Helpful Information on Breast Augmentation Surgery

When a woman does not feel confident with her body, it often stems from her breast size. A woman’s breast size and shape can make her feel confident about her appearance or lead to her feeling inadequate. As women age and go through pregnancy and breastfeeding, their breasts can change in many ways. Fortunately, there are breast procedures that can be carried out by an NJ plastic surgeon. Breast augmentation can transform a woman’s breasts and give her the confidence she has been longing for.

Those who are interested in breast augmentation surgery need to first schedule a consultation with the surgeon. At a consultation appointment, the surgeon fully examines the woman’s breast to see what work needs to be done. During a breast procedure, an implant is put in place to increase the size and volume and improve the shape of the woman’s breasts. The type of implant she and the surgeon choose will determine how the breasts feel.

Saline implants are all-natural and are filled once they are put in place. They offer a firmer feel than other types of implants but are considered less dangerous should they leak. There is also the more common option of silicone. Silicone implants come pre-filled and offer a softer breast feel.

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The placement of the implants is crucial for how they feel and look. Some are placed behind the chest wall muscle and some are placed in front. Those placed behind the muscle tend to have a firmer and more compact feel and look. The surgeon will help to guide his patient on which options will be most beneficial.

The final option will be decided on by the surgeon. The surgeon will decide on where to place the incisions to ensure they are as invisible as possible once healing takes place. Incisions may be axillary, around the nipple or in the under fold of the breast. Each of these allows entry for the implant without too much invasion to the tissue.

Surgeries for breast lift NJ are performed under general anesthesia so a patient feels no discomfort. After the procedure, there will be soreness, bruising and swelling. As a woman heals, she will finally be able to see her new breasts taking shape.

To learn more about how breast augmentation is performed, contact the office of Dr Richard Peck MD. With plastic surgeon NJ, women can finally improve the size, shape and position of their breasts for a more youthful and appealing appearance.

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